4 cups of water, 2-3 large carrots peeled and cut, 1/4 lemon (peel and all)

Fill with greens (spinach and kale that I keep in the freezer), top off with about a cup or more of mixed berries, and a sprinkle of stevia if you like (my kids don't like it too sweet). Then press whole juice or whatever speed on your blender that will gives you the hardest mixing.

add about 8 frozen strawberries and 1 frozen banana press the smoothie button (I usually have to do the smoothie cycle twice).
And this is what you get... two recommended servings of green smoothie. No matter how many times I think I am doing the exact same thing my smoothies always come out a little different. Nevertheless, we love our daily green smoothies and adding the carrot has helped mild out the green ("dirt" as some would put it) taste.Psst... my husband has been drinking these for about 3 months now so I must be doing something right.
Measurements may need to be adjusted according to size of blender. Let me know if you have questions about that.
I make green smoothies all the time. I have never used Kale, though and am anxious to try it. I also like the idea of adding the carrots! Do you blanch the greens before you freeze them?
ReplyDeleteI don't blanch my greens. I put my spinach straight in the freezer in the package and everything. My kale and chard I do wash, pat dry, and portion out in freezer bags.